
Health and Wellbeing Fund: Social Prescribing

Government grants are available for voluntary sector organisations to set up a new social prescribing scheme or to support the expansion of an existing scheme. The fund is part of a health and wellbeing programme run by the Department of Health, NHS England and Public Health England.

The aim of the fund component of the programme will be to promote equalities and reduce health inequalities by building the evidence base around good practice in social prescribing, sharing lessons and widening adoption of interventions with a proven track record.

The intended outcomes from the fund will be:

  • Increase in system partners’ evidence base on sustainable and scalable social prescribing interventions to improve health inequalities
  • New evidence and findings from supported social prescribing schemes informs and influences practice by being available and disseminated to key audiences across the system
  • Evaluation results in increased capability for voluntary sector organisations to capture and evaluate the impact of their work

Deadline for completed applications: Tuesday 21 November 2017, 12noon

Read more and apply.

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