Posts available: 1.
Contract: Fixed Term – March 2025.
Term: Full-time.
Salary: £21,840.
Hours per week: 35 hours.
Reporting to: Healthwatch Knowsley Manager.
Location: Huyton, Knowsley.
Employer Bio
Healthwatch is the independent community champion created to gather and represent the views of the public on Health and Adult Social Care. They play a part at both a local and national level to make sure that peoples experiences of Health and Adult Social Care are taken into account by both service providers and commissioners.
Job Details
- To work with and support the Outreach Officer in facilitating the development of Healthwatch Knowsley through outreach activities to the communities of Knowsley
- The Outreach Worker will support the Outreach Officer, enabling Healthwatch Knowsley to engage with the widest range of local people, particularly the most disadvantaged
- To contribute to Healthwatch Knowsley’s outreach activities, engaging with local residents in community settings such as hospitals, care homes and other public places to gather feedback from users of health and social care services
- To help facilitate community forums such as Primary Care Networks, Positive Mental Health Coffee Mornings and focus groups to gather additional service user insight
- As part of the Outreach Team, to provide a first point of contact for telephone enquirers, offering the signposting and representation roles of Healthwatch Knowsley
- To prepare basic written and verbal reports in relation to the work of Healthwatch Knowsley.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 5 PM on Monday 24 April 2023.
Interviews are scheduled for 4 May 2023.
Contact Details: recruitment@seftoncvs.org.uk.
To learn more about Healthwatch Knowsley, please click here.
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