
Healthwatch Liverpool Covid-19 and Care Homes Survey

Healthwatch Liverpool would like to hear from you about the experiences you and your loved ones have had with Liverpool care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Has one of your relatives, friends, or loved ones been living in a Liverpool care home (residential or nursing) during the pandemic? If so, Healthwatch Liverpool would like to hear about their experience. Throughout the pandemic, they have received feedback from Liverpool residents who have had loved ones living in care homes. The residents have spoken to Healthwatch Liverpool about the difficulty of seeing or speaking to their loved ones, getting information about how they were doing and the impact the pandemic has had on their physical and mental wellbeing.

Healthwatch Liverpool knows how difficult the past sixteen months have been for many, especially those separated from people close to them. If you have had a loved one living in a care home since March 2020, even if they are no longer living there, or have passed away, please fill in the survey and tell Healthwatch Liverpool about your experiences. The organisation works closely with local health and social care services to make sure that those who run these services put people at the heart of care.

This survey will be open until Friday 3 September 2021.

You can complete the survey on the Healthwatch Liverpool website. Please call 0300 77 77 007 if you would like to request the survey in another format or language, or if you would like Healthwatch Liverpool to call you back to complete it by phone.

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