Term: Fixed term until 31st March 2023 with the possibility of a 2 year extension until 31st March 2025.
Hours: 35 hours p/w (job share considered)
Salary: £23,185
Location: Liverpool City Centre (although mostly home-based in the immediate future)
Healthwatch Liverpool is the independent champion for people using local health and social care services. We listen to what people like about services and what could be improved and share these views with those with the power to make change happen. People can also speak to us to find information about health and wellbeing services and activities available locally.
Your focus in this post will be on health and social care issues as they impact on children and young people and their families/carers. This will involve working/engaging with a diverse range of C&YP, service providers and commissioners (e.g. Alder Hey, LivPaC, CAMHS Partnership, SEND Partnership, CCG, LCC, schools, colleges and universities and children’s centres), and supporting them to share their feedback, experiences and recommendations with decision makers.
Main Focus of Post:
1. As a key member of the Engagement Team, your focus will be on gaining the views of the public in relation to their experiences of health and social care services in Liverpool.
2. You will work closely with service providers, commissioners, public bodies and Liverpool’s diverse communities, using the feedback obtained from the public to improve health & social care services in Liverpool.
3. This role encompasses office based and community based activities and may require frequent attendance at meetings with health & social care providers, commissioners and diverse patient and service user groups.
To apply, visit the Healthwatch website.
Closing date: 31 January 2021
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