Posts available: 1.
Contract: Temporary (fixed term to 31 March 2024).
Term: Part-Time.
Salary: £24,920 (pro rata).
Hours per week: 17.5 hours.
Reporting to: Operations Manager.
Employer Bio
Healthwatch Liverpool is the independent champion for people using local health and social care services. They listen to what people like about services and what could be improved and share these views with those with the power to make change happen. People can also speak to them to find information about health and wellbeing services and activities available locally.
Job Overview
Main Focus of Post
- Responding to enquirers via telephone, email, text or post
- To provide information and signposting to people, helping them get the most out of health and social care services in Liverpool
- To gain the views of the public in relation to their health and social care experiences.
For many people you will be the first contact they have with Healthwatch so a key aspect of this role will be to promote the organisation by explaining their work and the ways of being involved in this.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 11.59 PM on Sunday 12 November 2023.
Interviews: w/c 20 or 27 November 2023.
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