North West Cancer Research is a completely independent charity, dedicated to putting our region’s cancer needs first, funding life-saving research to tackle the cause, improve the care and find the cure for cancer.
They are currently looking to hear from organisations and providers in the community to hear about how they might be able to help you raise health awareness amongst the people that you support.
For more information and to complete the Partner Organisation Survey, please click here.
Partner Organisation Survey QR code.
For more information and to complete the Cancer Awareness Survey 2022, please click here.
Cancer Awareness (Individual) Survey QR code.
The answers they get from both surveys will help them design and fund services that they hope will have a real impact on how much people know about cancer and what they can do to keep themselves healthy.
Any personal information they collect will only be used for the purposes of their research and to share their overall findings. This survey is being managed by their partner Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services (LCVS).
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