
IT Service Provision Opportunity

Liverpool Lighthouse is an urban gospel music, arts and community centre located in Anfield, North Liverpool. It engages with a wide age range of disadvantaged groups in the community, raising their aspirations and equipping them with the tools to succeed.

The charity occupies the former Gaumont Palace Cinema building on Oakfield Road. The building has approximately 2000 m2 of multi-use space, including an auditorium, music and dance studios, conference and teaching rooms and offices.

Liverpool Lighthouse is seeking an IT service provider (not a sole trader) with experience in working with charitable businesses, to maintain and support the IT network and advise on its development.

Interested providers are invited to contact Liam Smith on l.smith@liverpoollighthouse.com or to call 0151 476 2342 (Tuesday to Thursday) for a fuller specification document and to arrange a visit to the premises.


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