
Job skills support for Irish communities

Irish Community Care is working with unemployed members of Irish communities across Liverpool City Region, to help them improve their employability.

The organisation is one of 14 local partners involved in the newly launched Directions programme, which will improve the employability of nearly 2,000 local residents currently not in work.

Directions will:

  • support individuals to develop their confidence and self esteem
  • support people into training and education
  • enable people to participate in active job search
  • connect participants to volunteering, specific job and job trial opportunities
  • support a third of all participants to be in employment 6 months after leaving the project

Irish Community Care’s Directions Programme works with members of Irish communities to achieve the above outcomes, through support to gain basic skills in numeracy and literacy (including digital literacy) and by providing pathways to employability, education, training and economic opportunities.

For further information contact Irish Community Care or the body overseeing the partnership, The Women’s Organisation.

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