The Digital Inclusion Network brings together organisations from across Liverpool City Region who have a role to play in supporting the digital inclusion agenda. Its vision is to create a digitally inclusive Liverpool City Region where no one is left behind.
It’s core goals include:
- Building a coordinated and connected digital inclusion ecosystem across Liverpool City Region
- Supporting organisations across the city region to deliver digital inclusion activities in a sustainable way
- Increasing awareness and understanding of the digital inclusion agenda and help influence system-level change across the city region.
What will you get for being a member of the network?
Membership of the network is free – all they ask is for organisations to agree to support its core aims, and sign the Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Pledge (outlined below).
In exchange, you’ll be invited to bi-monthly meetings of the network where you can learn more about current and upcoming digital inclusion activity across the region, have opportunities to take part in delivery initiatives and engage with additional support for digital champions.
In addition, they’ll showcase your commitment to this agenda by displaying your logo on the City Region’s Digital Inclusion Network website.
What is the LCR Digital Inclusion Pledge?
They ask members of the network to sign the Digital Inclusion Pledge, which simply shows an organisations support for tackling this agenda. There’s no intrusive criteria or monitoring required – but they’d ask you always think about digital inclusion by:
- Supporting digital inclusion activities in LCR
- Sharing best practice to other network members
- Supporting your staff to learn essential digital skills
- Supporting others needing help to get online
- Donating any retired digital kit where this is appropriate.
It is encouraged that that those of you that do any work in the Digital Inclusion space, to sign up to the pledge/network.
Please click here to sign up to the Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Network.
Background on the Liverpool City Region Digital Inclusion Network
The Digital Inclusion Task Force was recently established by the LCR Combined Authority. It involves a wide range of stakeholders in the Digital Inclusion sphere including the Voluntary, Community, Faith and Social Enterprise Sector, Local Authorities, NHS, Housing Associations, Further and Higher Education, businesses and many more!
One of the first initiatives established by the Task Force has been to create a wider network and Digital Inclusion pledge.
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