
Join the Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership Board

Help make a difference to our City Region.

With effect from July 2018, Liverpool City Region Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) has two opportunities to join the LEP board. Expressions of interest are invited from individuals who can complement the skills and capabilities of the current Board members, can contribute to the work of the Board and through it the growth of the City Region.

You must have a passion, commitment and belief in the City Region from all sections of the Liverpool City Region community, and beyond given proven links to Liverpool City Region, and represent our diverse culture, attributes and values.

These roles are for individuals with specific expertise, experience and knowledge at a senior operational and strategic level in the following 2 key areas:

  • Education and Skills for Business (Provider)
  • Enterprise and Business Growth (Small Business)

The individuals appointed will be expected to apply themselves to developing or challenging strategies designed to deliver growth in each of these areas.

LEP Chair and Board positions are not financially remunerated, but reward comes in being engaged in driving this important agenda forward for the benefit of current and future generations. It also comes with significant commitments including:

  • Attend 6 meetings per year equating to 4 days including reading of papers
  • Attend 3 strategy development sessions of 1.5 days commitment per annum
  • If required, act as a Champion for one of the above sectors or themes which requires attendance at those sub-boards, a commitment of approximately 1.5 days per annum
  • Represent LEP on appropriate external bodies or task and finish groups that may exist at city-region, region, national or international level. Where necessary, represent LEP and City Region in meetings with Government or any of its departments and agencies
  • Be prepared to make statements to, or be interviewed by, the media to promote economic strategy or policy or respond to enquiries

Read the full invitation for Expressions of Interest here.

If you are interested in being considered to join the LEP Board and believe you have the passion, knowledge, experience and expertise to assist the City Region’s growth, and can meet the commitments set out above, write to info@liverpoollep.org with a subject of LEP Board EOI, outlining your suitability and interest in your appropriate role.

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