
Keep your eyes open to child criminal exploitation

Merseyside’s Violence Reduction Partnership (VRP) is asking everyone to keep their eyes open to the signs of drug gangs grooming our county’s kids.

At the moment, professionals who may be more aware of the signs of child criminal exploitation (CCE) are having less contact with children and young people, so it falls to all of is to be vigilant to the signs of grooming and report potential issues when we see them. The first step, of course, is to learn what the signs are.

To that end, the VRP has produced the Eyes Open Campaign Pack and website. The pack details what the signs of grooming for CCE are and what to do if you have concerns.

Why we need the Eyes Open campaign

After London, Merseyside’s drug gangs are the second largest abusers of children. Merseyside’s VRP, supported by numerous organisations such as Merseyside Police, local authorities, Youth Offending Service and schools, felt compelled to do something to let people know and to ask for the public’s help in fighting the issue.

The Eyes Open campaign has been driven by the rising numbers of kids, from all sorts of backgrounds, being abused by local drug gangs attempting to hide criminal activity. Gangs choose children and young people because they are easy to manipulate and exploit, and less likely to be stopped by the police. Using children for their criminal activities saves members of drug gangs from being caught and reduces the risk of conviction.

This is an important issue that could impact any child, regardless of their background.

The Eyes Open Campaign Pack

We encourage you to click the link below and download the Eyes Open Campaign Pack, which includes lots of helpful information such as posters, videos and social media content, all detailing the signs of grooming and what people can do if they have concerns.

Please share this widely and keep your eyes open.

Click here to download the Eyes Open Campaign Pack (PDF document).

Click here to visit the Eyes Open Campaign website.

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