
Kindred Minds Activity Programme

Kindred Minds has issued its activity programme for January-March 2018.

  • Gardening Group – every Friday, 11am onwards, restarting 19 January 2018
  • Walking Group – every Thursday, 1-3pm, restarting March 2018 when weather improves, at various locations
  • New Reading and Poetry Club – every Thursday, 10am-12noon, restarting 18 January 2018
  • New Arts and Craft Club – every Thursday, 1-3pm, restarting 18 January 2018
  • Coming soon in 2018: a coffee morning, a befriending scheme, and a singing group

For all enquiries and to register, email Will Conroy, Activity Coordinator, at kindredmindsliverpool@gmail.com. Alternatively, leave your details in an envelope in Kindred Minds’ post box at STEC reception.

Kindred Minds’ new offices are the Alan Rudkin Room, at Speke Training and Education Centre (STEC), Unit House, Speke Boulevard, Liverpool, L24 9HZ, access from Venture point.

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