
La Petite Ecole de Liverpool Vacancies – various French speaking posts available

La Petite Ecole de Liverpool is a not-for-profit organisation providing Saturday morning classes, in Garston, for French-speaking children aged 4 to 14 years.

The organisation is currently seeking native French/francophone speakers with at least one year’s experience working with children for the following roles:

  • early primary teacher (grande section/CP)
  • later primary-level teacher (CE1-CM1, equivalent to year 4-year 5 level)
  • Teaching assistant (no teaching experience required)
  • A person to do fun and cultural activities with the children (drama, arts, music, physical activities) who could do 3-4 blocks of 3-5 weeks per academic year (numbers of sessions can be discussed) (some teaching experience preferred but not essential)

Interested individuals are invited to submit an application form explaining their interest in, and suitability for, the role in line with the Job Descriptions and Person Specifications (fiches de poste) provided online at http://www.lapetiteecoledeliverpool.com/recrutement.html

Please submit your application by 5th September 2019.

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