
LCVS premiers case study film

In September 2019 LCVS commissioned First Take Films to produce a case study video, capturing a number of our voluntary sector colleagues on film. We premiered the film at our event, Riding the Waves, at the end of last month. It has now been added to our YouTube channel and is available to watch, and to share with your own followers, here.

If you would like to know more about the range of services available from us here at LCVS, and the work we do to support, encourage and develop charitable activity in the city, you might enjoy this short video.

Our thanks go to:

– Daisy Inclusive UK, Kuumba Imani Millennium Centre, Liverpool Homeless Football Club and Relate Cheshire and Merseyside for appearing in film

– First Take for filming and production

– Liverpool City Council and The Mayor of Liverpool for supporting the project


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