
LCVS launches research project into funding for Black-led non-profit organisations

Anecdotal evidence and literature suggest that systemic racism has led to disparity in funding opportunities and access to funding related support for Black-led organisations compared to their white-led counterparts, in the voluntary and community sector (VCS).

Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services (LCVS), in partnership with Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), are undertaking research to explore the scale and nature of any such disparity for Black-led non-profit organisations operating in the Liverpool City Region. As part of this, we wish to better understand any barriers, but also any advantages or good practice in funding success, for Black-led non-profit organisations.

In this first stage of the research, we are looking for a number of individuals to represent their organisation in virtual focus group sessions and/or telephone interviews, which will take place in November 2023.

We’re looking to engage with individuals from the following organisation types:

  • Funder Organisation
  • Black-led Non-profit Organisation
  • Support Organisation or Practitioners who support Black-led non-profit organisations in the Liverpool City Region, including support with funding bids and/or other related funding services/skills.

LCVS Chair, Sonia Bassey said:

“The challenges and obstacles to accessing funding have long been raised by local Black-led organisations. As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting equality and diversity we are extremely pleased to have been able to secure the resources and support from our partners to investigate this further. We would like to understand if there are particular hurdles that limit Black-led groups from accessing funding to support their work and what can be done to overcome them.

This will not only help us identify the scope and scale of obstacles that face such groups, but to develop an evidence base that can help us bring about change.

In 2020, LCVS made a strong commitment to the principles behind Black Lives Matter and this project is an important part of that ongoing work.”

To register your interest, please click here or scan the QR code below.

Deadline: 5 PM on Friday 20 October 2023.

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