
LCVS to host Liverpool Volunteer Show with City Council

In a massive celebration of Volunteers Week 2019, over 70 of the city’s charity and voluntary organisations are coming together in St George’s Hall on Wednesday 5th June 2019.

Liverpool Volunteer Show is being hosted in collaboration between LCVS (Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services) and the Mayor of Liverpool. The intention of the event is to showcase the vibrant, important work happening every day, right across Liverpool’s charity and voluntary sector and to show the public how they can get involved, as well as how rewarding it can be to do so.

Doors will be open to the public from 10am to 3pm. The event is free to attend and there is no need to book.

Charitable organisations in attendance on the day will include Claire House, The Brain Charity, Royal Voluntary Service, Include-IT Mersey, Everton in the Community and many more. In fact, the Great Hall will be packed with representatives of not-for-profit organisations large and small, all of which are active in the local area, providing a diverse range of valuable services. Anyone who wishes to know how the city’s charitable sector could support them, or how they or their business could support the sector, is encouraged to attend.

Volunteers are absolutely vital to the third sector. The city’s charitable organisations, which deliver everything from play schemes to health services, simply could not operate without members of the public and the business community donating their time and energy. National Volunteers Week will see volunteers celebrated up and down the country between 1st and 7th June 2019. Volunteering is also a wonderfully rewarding experience that enables people to develop new skills, socialise and build their confidence, while making a real difference in their community. Liverpool Volunteer Show aims to celebrate volunteers and showcase the benefits of volunteering, in equal measure.

Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services, known as LCVS, has been the central hub of charitable activities in the city for over 100 years. The organisation works closely with the city council to encourage an efficient, coordinated approach to the provision of services. This relationship has become all the more imperative in recent years, in the face of extensive cuts to public funding.

Eluned Hughes, LCVS volunteer hub coordinator, said “I am thankful to Liverpool City Council, specifically Mayor Joe Anderson’s office, for collaborating with us on such an important event. The role of the voluntary sector in the city’s service provision really cannot be overstated and volunteers are the heart and soul of the sector. We look forward to celebrating the work that they do year-round in this public showcase, as well as inspiring the business community and the public with new ways to get involved.

“If you have ever considered giving back to your community by volunteering, or engaging with local charities in any way, I encourage you to join us in St George’s Hall on Wednesday 5th June. There will never be a better opportunity to meet a huge cross section of Liverpool’s charitable organisations.”

Councillor Liz Parsons, Cabinet member for communities and partnerships, said: “Many organisations in the city could not function without the support of volunteers and we are thankful to every single person who gives up their own time to benefit others in the community.

“This conference is a great way of showcasing the benefits of volunteering. Liverpool city council offers staff up to five days a year of paid leave to carry out voluntary work for local charities and it would be great to see more organisations offering similar benefits.”

For further information on Liverpool Volunteer Show visit www.lcvs.org.uk/events or find the event on Facebook at www.facebook.com/liverpoolcvs.

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