
Let’s Cook Project – Learn to Cook from Scratch

240 million slices of bread, 5.9 million glasses of milk, 5.8 million potatoes and 1.3 million apples – what do these all have in common?

These are the average amounts we, as a nation, throw away each year of these foods when they could have been eaten.

The Let’s Cook Project is reaching out to early years settings, schools, community groups and societies across the whole of Merseyside after winning £25,000 from the region’s Recycling and Waste Authority.

The Let’s Cook Project is on a mission to give individuals the skills, knowledge and confidence to cook from scratch because it knows this has a direct impact on the amount of perfectly usable food that otherwise might be thrown away. The scheme was one of just 14 projects awarded funding from Merseyside Recycling and Waste Authority (MRWA) annual Community Fund and will run across 2018 and 2019, but the impact will carry on for much longer.

Project Lead Emma Jarvis said: “By equipping local residents with the skills and resources to run practical cookery training within their own communities we’re influencing a reduction in the amount of food hitting landfill but also encouraging improvements in physical and mental health and self–confidence which will have a legacy long after this programme finishes.”

You don’t need a purpose-built kitchen or even a classroom, if you have a socket and a sink you can run a cooking class. The Let’s Cook Project works with all sorts of organisations such as after school clubs, scout and guide groups, workplaces and faith-based organisations.

Interested in some free training, resources and funding to run your own practical cooking sessions? Contact Emma.Jarvis@letscookproject.org for more information.

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