
Liverpool Care Leavers Christmas Dinner needs your help!

Christmas dinners for care leavers was set up in 2013 with the aim that no care leaver (aged 16-25) should be alone on Christmas Day. Many care leavers are living alone and have little or no family support, so Christmas can often be very isolating and distressful.

The aim is to create a day to remember, to make new, joyful memories of Christmas, which they may not have experienced before. The project is organised nationally by local volunteers under the guidance of the Gold From The Stone Foundation. The project is running in Liverpool this year and they are looking for help.

They need:

  • A venue for Christmas Eve (to set up and decorate) and Christmas Day, both from approximately 10 am – 4 pm. Around 30-35 care leavers should be attending. They need the venue to be confirmed by 26 November 2021
  • A chef or someone with food preparation skills to make the main course for a buffet
  • Decorations for both the venue and for the Care Leavers’ homes
  • Storage for presents and decorations
  • High quality donated food for hampers
  • Boxes for food delivery (for those who are unable to attend in person)
  • Gift vouchers for 16-25-year-olds (music/games/fashion).

The food, venue, entertainment and gifts should all be of a high standard to reflect the value of the guests.

To learn more about Christmas Dinners for Care Leavers, please visit the Gold From The Stone Foundation website.

If you are able to offer any help please contact Liverpoolclcd@gmail.com.

Want to support this project? Please visit GoFundMe.

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