
Liverpool Cares launches 30 creative ways to stay #AloneTogether this April

Liverpool Cares, the charity that brings young professionals together with their older neighbours to hang out and help one another, has created a unique way for people to keep their spirits high during this period of social distancing. The #AloneTogether pack contains 30 creative activities to see us through the 30 days of April, and can be downloaded now.

Liverpool Cares usually hosts a wide range of social events every month, so the charity’s activities have changed pretty drastically in the past few weeks. However, not discouraged by the challenges we’re facing right now, the team has launched the #AloneTogether campaign.

The campaign isn’t just for our older neighbours. If you or anyone you know are in need of ideas to keep them creatively engaged and socially connected throughout this time, they can join in. Head over to the Liverpool Cares website, download the #AloneTogether activity page and you’ll have an activity a day for the whole of April.

You can also donate online to help the team get the next activity pack to 559 older neighbours throughout Liverpool, who are likely to be missing their regular socials.

Follow this link to read more and download the pack from the Liverpool Cares website.

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