
Liverpool City Council | Community & Voluntary Organisations Survey

Deadline: 31 January 2025.

Liverpool City Council is working with partners to develop a Liverpool Women’s Health Needs Assessment. This will inform development of a Women’s Health Strategy for the city.

A recent report from the Director of Public Health for Liverpool City Council, called the ‘State of Health in the City: Liverpool 2040,’ showed that women’s health may worsen by 2040.

In Liverpool, women can expect to live 57.9 years in good health – this means on average women will spend 28% of their lives in poorer health (equivalent to 22 years). It predicts that women’s life expectancy will go down by one year, and they will live 4.1 fewer years in good health.  They want to understand what impacts women’s health in Liverpool.

They know that charities, volunteers, and social groups play an important role in women’s health in Liverpool. That’s why they are asking community organisations to complete this short survey to share their experience and knowledge.

Click here to learn more and to complete the survey.

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