Contract Type: Permanent.
Salary: £39,571 – £44,624.
Hours: 35 hours per week.
Are you passionate about tackling domestic abuse and supporting victims/survivors in Liverpool?
Liverpool City Council are recruiting for a new domestic abuse strategic lead for the Council, to work with partners to deliver and learn from Domestic Homicide Reviews, to oversee the Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences and develop and implement strategies and systems to prevent and tackle domestic abuse across Liverpool. You will be working closely with statutory and voluntary sector partners and have a victim focus and expertise in the field of domestic abuse. You will be a member of the Safer and Stronger Communities Service and have a team of 6 committed and innovative people to support the work.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 18 July 2022.
Shortlisting by Friday 22 July 2022.
Interviews: 4 August 2022.
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