
Liverpool City Region Community-led Housing Hub Launched

Safe Regeneration is proud to announce the launch of the Liverpool City Region Community-led Housing Hub (The Hub).

The Hub is being incubated by Safe Regeneration, with support from Power to Change and Community Led Homes, as well as a steering group of other community-led housing projects.

Liverpool City Region has a strong history of local people setting up their own community-led housing projects, especially housing co-operatives. A new energy has emerged in recent years focused on place-based approaches to housing and neighbourhood development; Granby 4 Streets and Homebaked Community Land Trust’s being shining examples, alongside Safe Regeneration in Bootle.

The vision for The Hub is that it will promote the different models of community-led housing right across the region, as well as supporting people and groups to develop and deliver their own community-led housing schemes. The vision is underpinned by a belief that housing should be of a high standard, affordable, environmentally sustainable and in the ownership of local communities.

Paul Kelly took up the position of director of The Hub on 1 April 2020. He is keen to hear from organisations interested in developing a community-led housing scheme. If you are working with a particular community or age group and you are keen to do more, get in touch with Paul at paul.kelly@saferegen.org.uk.

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