
Liverpool Irish Festival (LIF) Vacancies – Trustees

The Liverpool Irish Festival (LIF) brings Liverpool and Ireland closer together using arts and culture. It delivers a diverse, high quality and often ground breaking programme each October. LIF is a charitable company, whose Directors are its Trustees.  These volunteers, come together as a Board to lead the charity and decide how it is run. LIF’s current Board aims to recruit skilled, experienced and enthusiastic individuals to come and join our current Trustees to guide and support the organisation through its next exciting phase of development.

LIF recognises that in society people have been -and continue to be- discriminated against on the basis of race, colour, national origin, culture, gender, marital status, disability, class, being lesbian or gay, age, political or religious beliefs, medical status and responsibility for dependants. LIF wishes to encourage all sections of the community to participate in its activities. Trustees will have strategic vision, independent judgement and a willingness to give time and commitment to the Liverpool Irish Festival. Ideally new trustees will have experience of the cultural sector, a familiarity with Liverpool Irish arts and culture and/or skills in digital applications.

Trustee roles are unpaid and requires a time commitment of, on average, half a day per month. This includes attendance at the Board and sub-committee meetings, Board development workshops and strategic planning events. The meetings generally take place in the early evening.

You can find more information on the available roles here.

Applications to become a member of the LIF Board should be made by submitting your CV and a one-page letter describing how you meet the criteria. Submissions will be understood to have read the items outlined above. Please email these to chair@liverpoolirishfestival.com by 31 Jan 2019.


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