
Liverpool Law Clinic’s advice service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs resumes

Liverpool Law Clinic provides free and confidential legal advice to members of the public. Their advice service for parents and carers of children with special educational needs in Merseyside resumes from October 2021. Their solicitors offer free advice and assistance about your child’s education and support.

They are supported by law students who have been trained and have agreed to abide by their strict confidentiality rules.

Their free services include:

  • Advice about Special Educational Needs provision, including obtaining an EHCP, the contents of an EHCP and appealing a decision
  • Assistance with preparing an appeal to the SEND Tribunal
  • Advice and support to challenge delays in completing assessments
  • Advice and support to prepare a legal challenge to the lack of support for your child’s needs at home.

Appointments are available on their campus or remotely from Monday 4 October 2021.

For more information, please email clinic@liverpool.ac.uk or call 0151 794 5782.

To learn more, please visit the University of Liverpool website.

Please note: their lawyers are regulated by the Bar Standards Board and the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

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