
Liverpool Parenting Newsletter: April – June 2024

Liverpool’s Parent Network has produced the Spring edition of the Liverpool Parenting Newsletter with information on services available for you and your family across the city.

In this newsletter, parents/carers will find information on a number of events, activities, courses and support services.

This includes:

  • Ante Natal Services, support and courses
  • Children Centres and Family Hub Services
  • Childcare
  • Half term activities and events
  • Peri natal support
  • Healthy Start
  • Debt Advice
  • Domestic Abuse
  • Education
  • Employment Support
  • Foodbanks
  • HAF Half Term Activities
  • Mental Health Services and Support
  • Support for young people
  • Money Management
  • Parenting Programmes
  • SEND
  • Parental Mental Health.

If you have any questions, please contact parenting@liverpool.gov.uk.

You can view the newsletter by clicking here.

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