Deadline: Rolling Programme (The panel will meet every 8 weeks)
There will be no date restrictions. This is a rolling programme. A panel will discuss and score each application considering the need, impact, and reach.
Local Solutions has launched a Community Empowerment Fund as part of their commitment to empower change across the Liverpool City Region.
They hope this fund will provide individuals and groups with opportunities to make a difference in their own communities. They want to support ideas that empower, include, and have a positive impact on local people.
They want these grants to support smaller projects, ideas and initiatives that come through, or inspire, voluntary social action, rather than to fund larger established charities and community groups.
Who can apply for a grant?
- Individuals and groups living within the Liverpool City Region.
- The groups do not need to be formally constituted but come together for a common goal.
- Applicants over 18 years.
What they look for in applications?
- To fund work that aligns with their vision, ‘a society where all people can live with dignity, lead fulfilled lives and realise their full potential’.
- Applications that will make a positive impact on individuals and groups in our communities.
- Projects and activities that encourage empowerment and inclusivity.
What you can apply for?
- In the first year there is a minimum of £50k available. This is in recognition of Local Solutions 50th anniversary.
- The upper limit is £2,000. There is no minimum amount.
- Alongside funding you can ask for help and support with developing or delivering your idea if needed.
What they do not fund
- Groups, clubs, societies, communities and charities with an annual income of over £20,000.
- Activities that are illegal – debts, gambling, political etc. Applications for projects they have previously funded.
Application process
- You can apply on their website, on paper, via the phone or in person.
- They will ask you to tell us about your idea in your own words.
- There will be a named person to provide any support needed.
- A grants coordinator will check the application once received and contact you if they need any more information.
Once a decision has been made… What happens if your application is successful?
- They will send you a simple grant agreement detailing the amount of the award to be signed and outlining the next steps. They will aim to notify successful applicants within 2 weeks of the CEF Panel meeting.
What happens if your application is unsuccessful?
You cannot make another application within 12 months. All decisions are final and there is no appeal process. Sorry!
And finally
They want to celebrate the achievements of the successful applicants and to recognise the positive impact on people and communities. They will hold an annual networking meetings to look at ways that recipients could mentor new applicants and projects, share experiences and expand the reach and impact of the fund.
To learn more, please click here.
Deadline: Rolling Programme (The panel will meet every 8 weeks)
There will be no date restrictions. This is a rolling programme. A panel will discuss and score each application considering the need, impact, and reach.
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