Posts available: 1.
Contract: unknown.
Term: unknown.
Salary: 29k pa
Hours per week: 35 hours.
Reporting to: To be confirmed.
Location: Liverpool City Centre.
Employer Bio
MPAC is the infrastructure body in Liverpool for Children’s Play and currently runs the DfE funded Holiday Activities and Food Programme. We provide training and support for local VCF organisations who work in or who support children’s play in the local community.
Job Description
To develop and lead on MPAC’s engagement and partnership work both within the HAF and Half Term programme and across MPACS wider areas of work. Utilising a Community of Practice model as a vehicle for engagement with a wide range of stakeholders, the postholder will focus on the key elements of the HAF programme (Food, Signposting, Enrichment Activities etc) in order to ensure that the voices of children and young people, parents, providers and other partners are heard and able to influence planning and development.
For a copy of the job description please contact
Deadline: 5pm, 16 January 2023.
Interviews: Early February.
Contact Details:
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