
My Clubmoor grant fund now open for applications!

LCVS is working in partnership with My Clubmoor to deliver the Big Local My Clubmoor awards. If you have an idea that will help improve the lives of people in Clubmoor, or help the local economy in the ward, we may be able to help you bring your idea to life.

We are particularly keen to receive applications from Clubmoor residents and local grass roots organisations.

A member of LCVS staff will be available at the My Clubmoor Hub on the following dates to offer advice on the application process:

Wednesday 29 May, from 1pm
Tuesday 11 June, from 1pm.

You will need to be able to tell us a few things about your idea:

  • How do you know there is a need?
  • How will people in Clubmoor benefit?
  • How will you be able to measure success?

Please read the guidance on our grants page, to find out how to submit an application and who to contact if you need support.

The closing date for this round of applications is Friday 21 June 2019.

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