
MyClubmoor – Hub Coordinator

Responsible to: LCVS Director of Finance and Resources and MyClubmoor Board Chair.
Location: My Clubmoor Hub, 56 Maiden Lane, Clubmoor, Liverpool L13 9AW.
Salary: £23,000 per annum.
Working Hours: 35 hours per week.

Background and purpose

MyClubmoor is creating a network of committed, active, inspirational people working together towards raising aspirations and making Clubmoor the best that it can be. We believe that residents have the ideas and resources to transform our local area, and our role is to help them to release this potential.

To this end, we have a lease on 56 Maiden Lane, to be given over for community use. We have a vision for a facility that can be used by the community, for the community, throughout the week, and to give space for people to deliver their creative ideas.

We are therefore looking for a dynamic and resourceful person, preferably from our local community, who can

  1. Connect with individuals and organisations within our area and facilitate them to use the hub building for their activities.
  2. Ensuring the hub building is the best it possibly can be for our community – including maintenance, policies and administration.
  3. Support the MyClubmoor Board in developing and vision and plan for the local community, based from the Hub.

Key tasks

Connecting with our community

  1. To engage our community both in-person and through social media to identify potential users of the Hub building. Liaise with these users to understand their building requirements.
  2. To be ‘out-and-about’ in the community connecting in with local networks to identify potential new activities and hub users.
  3. To work with MyClubmoor Board in supporting local residents and organisations to plan effectively, and put together proposals for using the building.
  4. Develop advertising and administrative processes to allow community members and groups to identify and book the building for use.
  5. To specifically develop the use of the IT suite by identifying IT training providers and booking local people onto courses.

Management of the hub building

  1. Develop and operate a bookings diary for the hub building.
  2. Maintain and develop operational policies and procedures to ensure that the Hub is fully compliant with all legal requirements including Health and Safety, Fire and Buildings regulations, and that these are regularly reviewed
  3. Ensure appropriate support is given to all users of the Hub, to include an up to date user pack and hire agreement; explaining the rights and responsibilities of individuals and organisations, and that key requirements are displayed.
  4. Support MyClubmoor in developing positive relationships with users of the Hub, responding appropriately to queries, comments and concerns.
  5. Ensure that the hiring agreement agreed by the My Clubmoor Partnership is strictly adhered to.
  6. Manage the finances related to building, including payments, receipts and record keeping
  7. Ensure that arrangements are made for the opening and closing of the building, preparation of the Hub before and after lettings (to include setting up rooms as required by Hub users and the moving and putting away of equipment and furniture) and that the Hub is clean and secure.
  8. Deal with day to day building and maintenance issues, undertaking basic repairs and dealing with contractors when needed and as instructed by the My Clubmoor Big Local Partnership and/or LCVS.
  9. To ensure consistent supply of internet and other utilities to the building.

Support to the MyClubmoor Board

  1. To provide administrative support to the MyClubmoor Partnership Board as required, including liaising with the Chair in preparation of agendas and circulation of papers, attendance at board meetings and taking of minutes.
  2. Support the Partnership in developing and reviewing the My Clubmoor Big Local Plan and work closely with the Partnership to assist the development of its projects and ideas.
  3. To provide excellent customer service when welcoming visitors to the Hub and when answering enquiries.
  4. Ensure that the Partnership’s Health and Safety, Safeguarding, Data Protection, Equal Opportunities and Environmental policies (and any future policies agreed by the Partnership), are implemented, and regularly reviewed.
  5. Attend relevant LCVS / MyClubmoor meetings and training when required for the role.
  6. To follow LCVS and MyClubmoor policies and procedures in all aspects of the role.
  7. Undertake any other tasks commensurate with the post as decided by My Clubmoor Big Local Partnership.

Person Specification


  • Evidence of a knowledge of, passion for and commitment to the community of Clubmoor.
  • Proven administrative skills, including financial administration, bookings systems and rotas.
  • Experience of procuring and liaising with suppliers.
  • Evidence of building and maintaining good relationships with the public and contractors.
  • Excellent IT skills
  • A positive and proactive manner


  • Experience and skills in community development work.
  • Higher level administration or business management qualifications
  • Experience of building / tenant management.
  • Local resident of Clubmoor.
  • Experience or skills in IT systems development / maintenance.

Equal Opportunities

Liverpool CVS is committed to equal opportunities, anti-discrimination and anti-oppressive policy and practice. No one we have contact with may be discriminated against either directly or indirectly on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, religion, cultural group, marital status, sexual orientation, age, or impairment. The policies apply to job applicants, employees, volunteers and users of our services.

All jobs are subject to change from time to time and this job description will be reviewed regularly.

This job description is a guide to the work you will be required to undertake and represents a range of responsibilities commensurate with the grade for the post.

To apply, please email your CV and covering letter to Graham Wright at graham.wright@lcvs.org.uk.

Deadline: Thursday 3 February 2022.

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