Since 2015, the Department for Education has commissioned a national advocacy helpline to support the rights of children to be heard.
Since 2017, this helpline has been delivered through Coram Voice’s ‘Always Heard’ service. However, from 1 October 2023, the national advocacy helpline service will be provided by the National Youth Advocacy Service (NYAS).
New details for accessing the service are available below. Please ensure to use these after 1 October 2023:
- Click here for the Website and online chat link
- Freephone: 0808 808 1001
- Email:
- WhatsApp: 07494788875
- Text: text NYAS to 85258.
The NYAS ‘Safety Net’ helpline service will continue the national provision of:
- Helpline advice and support
- Signposting to local services
- Issue-based advocacy
- Specialist non-instructed advocacy
- Advocacy finder service
- Self-advocacy information.
The service accepts referrals from children and young people, professionals working with young people, friends, families, and carers.
The service will be available to:
- Children in care and care leavers up to age 25.
- Children and young people needing support from children’s services, including those on child in need plans, child protection plans, or who are 16-17 years old and homeless.
NYAS will also continue to support refugee and migrant children and young people, as well as young people in mental health settings.
The Coram Voice ‘Always Heard’ Service will continue to operate and receive calls until 30 September 2023.