
National Crimebeat Awards 2022/2023

Do you know of a group of young people or individual working to make communities in your county safer? If so, National Crimebeat want to hear about them. Each March, National Crimebeat organises a prestigious awards ceremony to give recognition to the most successful crime prevention projects carried out by young people. The projects can be submitted from any organisation in England and Wales.

National Crimebeat is the youth crime prevention charity of the High Sheriffs’ Association. It is to recognise crime prevention projects carried out by young people aged between 5 and 25 years of age, that are already having an impact in the community.

First Prize: £1500
Second Prize: £1250
Third Prize: £1000
Plus three Highly Commended with each receiving £500.

There are 2 categories of award, Youth Led and Adult Led:

  • Youth Led is for groups/individuals where the project ideas came from the member/s of the group, and where they are also responsible for running the project
  • Adult Led is for groups where the project was developed by others (often adults) but where the young people have a significant role in the management and delivery of the project.

The closing date to receive all nominations and supporting evidence is Monday 9 January 2023.

To learn more about the National Crimebeat Awards, please click here.

Click here to download the Application Form.

Click here for Guidance for the National Crimebeat Awards 2022/2023.

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