
New HMICFRS surveys regarding important topics

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) is currently running two surveys on important topics. This includes how the police engage with women and girls and how the police support victims/survivors of rape.

Police Engagement With Women And Girls Survey
HMICFRS is inspecting how police engage with women and girls. They welcome responses from any woman over the age of 18 in England or Wales. The survey will be used to inform their inspection and to compare the views of police and the women they support.
This survey closes on 20 August 2021.
For more information and to complete the survey, please visit the Government website.
Survey for rape victims/survivors
HMICFRS is also inspecting how police support victims/survivors of rape. They would like to hear from those who reported the incident to the police regardless of sex/gender/ethnicity/sexuality in England or Wales, in addition to being aged 18 or over when the incident took place and if the case is now finished. This will help HMICFRS understand people’s experiences of engagement with the police after they have experienced such an ordeal.
This survey closes on 20 August 2021.
For more information and to complete the survey, please visit the Government website.
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