
Osun Arts Foundation – Development Officer

Posts available: 1.
Contract: Temporary.
Term: Part-Time.
Salary: £3600.
Hours per week: 15 hours.
Reporting to: Director of Osun Arts.
Location: Kirkdale.

Employer Bio

The Osun Foundation is a non-profit making organisation based in Liverpool, England, founded in 1992. Osun aims to create awareness and appreciation of neglected traditional African arts and culture and to encourage the understanding of Britain as a vibrant multi-cultural society. They present participatory combined arts workshops and an annual performance tour to the general public.

Job Summary

As a small arts-based charity currently located in North Liverpool. They have delivered workshops, performances, exhibitions and other services throughout Merseyside. They require a freelance Development worker to assist them in their school programme.

To read the full job description and to apply, please email info@osunarts.co.uk.

Deadline: 28 February 2024.

Interviews: 7 March 2024.


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