
Passchendaele at Home Launches

Minister for Communities, Lord Bourne, has launched Passchendaele at Home, a nationwide research-and-remember project. There are resources for community groups across the UK to join in.

You can register for free illustrated research guide posters, a digital research guide and the Passchendaele at Home database. Community groups in England can also apply for funding for activities.

Opportunities include:

  • Receive funding information, the Passchendaele research action map, an additional online research guide, and access to a database with details of Passchendaele at Home graves in the UK. Register here.
  • Community groups in England can apply for funding for Passchendaele at Home and Unremembered activity. Apply here.
  • Ask for activity ideas for Passchendaele at Home and Unremembered projects by emailing contact@bigideascompany.org.

Opportunities with The Unremembered:

  • Facebook Indian Labour Corps – join the Unremembered Facebook group for resources, images and discussions for those interested in First World War projects
  • Request The Unremembered resources, such as access to a database with details of over 5,700 Labour Corps graves across the UK, workshop activities, and hard copies of the two resource packs
  • Unremembered Untagged. The National Army Museum holds a rich, unexplored collection relating to Labour Corps during WW1. In partnership with Unremembered, the National Army Museum will hold workshops offering volunteers an opportunity to explore and help tag some of this collection. Find out more and register.

The Unremembered and Passchendaele at Home are both publicly funded by the Department for Communities and Local Government.

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