Posts available: 1.
Contract: Temporary.
Term: Fixed Term until 31 March 2024.
Salary: £26,250 per annum pro rata.
Hours per week: Up to 35 hours per week.
Reporting to: Team Manager.
Location: Positive Futures North Liverpool, Unit B1, Tetlow Way, Langham Street Industrial Estate, L4 4QS.
Employer Bio
Positive Futures is a youth development charity supporting young people in Liverpool. They believe in empowering young people to achieve their potential – and their team are committed to supporting every young person to achieve their potential. They do this through their open access, targeted support work and personal development interventions which collectively, support thousands of young people in Liverpool every year.
Objective of Post
Positive Futures provides a number of services such as Targeted Support and a Transitions service. Transitions is a provision working with young people with complex social and emotional needs, behavioural challenges and long term disrupted education, providing one to one support in the community and informal education to facilitate the removal of barriers to accessing school, overcoming stigmatisation, reducing criminality, and increasing the opportunities for young people to engage with education and improve their life chances.
Some duties will include
- To provide 1-2-1 support and group tutorials around school curriculum lessons, formal and informal education sessions, groupwork programmes and activities for young people in the process of socialisation to re-entering education
- To manage a caseload effectively and maintain accurate records for monitoring and reporting purposes including verbal and written information on progress, issues, futures plans and to maintain accurate supporting financial records
- To work within safeguarding processes and apply a clear and distinct approach to reporting, recording, and communicating concerns for children and young people.
- Excellent salary
- Staff Health Cash Plan
- 33 days holiday (inclusive of bank holidays)
- Expenses payable upon receipt
- An extensive training program to ensure their staff are the best in their field
- Regular supervision and guidance
- A supportive and approachable Management Team
- The opportunity to make a real difference with the children and families they have the pleasure of working with.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 5 pm on Thursday 9 February 2023.
Contact Details: / 0151 207 6003.
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