Read Easy Merseyside is a voluntary group that was established earlier this year that offers support to adults who struggle to read. 10% of Liverpool’s population (over 25,000 people) struggle to read in a way that impacts every aspect of their life. The group is hoping to recruit and train volunteers to support those over 18 on a one-to-one, confidential, and free basis across Merseyside.
By learning to read as an adult, they can become better equipped to live a fuller life, attend appointments, support their children in their education, improve their job opportunities and improve mental health issues that the lack of reading skills can cause. Difficulties with reading can also be a multi-generational issue so addressing this is important for future generations as well as adults today.
A former Read Easy Merseyside service user explains the difference the ability to read has made to his life:
“learning to read has impacted on daily life in so many positive ways. I am now able to recognise words on food packaging in the supermarket for example and can now read those letters I receive from the council, my doctors and the hospital, I don’t have to ask anyone else to help me anymore.”
But the biggest impact seems to have been on confidence.
“I wouldn’t have been able to sit and talk to you before this [learning to read]. I am much more confident in myself now”.
To find out how you can be involved and the opportunities available, please contact Karen Wood at or call 07763442924.
For more information, please visit the Read Easy Merseyside website.
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