
Read Easy Merseyside wants to help adults who struggle to read

Read Easy Merseyside is a new voluntary group that has been established to offer support to adults who struggle to read. Within Liverpool, 10% of people (over 25,000 people) struggle to read in a way that impacts every aspect of their life such as attending appointments and supporting their children in their education. Difficulties with reading can also have an impact on job opportunities and mental wellbeing. Learning to read can be a real boost for someone’s self-confidence and self-image, enabling them to manage everyday tasks and activities and to live a fuller life.

Read Easy Merseyside provides reading support to adults on a one-to-one basis by matching them with an individual reading coach. The reader and coach meet twice a week utilising reading materials that have been specifically written for adults and which are provided free of charge. Once a coach and reader have been matched, their co-ordinator keeps in regular contact to provide any support or guidance that might be required.

They have now successfully matched their first 5 reading pairs and they would like to do much more.

To make this happen they are seeking more volunteers to:

  • work with their readers by becoming a reading coach; or
  • provide support to their reading pairs by becoming a co-ordinator.

They provide training to all their volunteers and you are supported by a local management team as well as having access to central Read Easy resources.

To find out more about Read Easy and how you can be involved, please contact Frances Bell at merseysiderecruiter@readeasy.org.uk.

More information can also be found on the Read Easy Merseyside website.

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