
Riding the waves, interim event report

On 20 September 2019 LCVS hosted an event entitled Riding the Waves: a conversation about the challenges of our changing city.

Over half of the people that joined us for the event took the time to complete a feedback survey. If you contributed to that, thank you.

We have now produced a report, based purely on the responses that we received to that survey.

You can download that report as a pdf document by clicking this link: Riding the waves interim report

The aim of this report is to provide a flavour of the feedback we received. We are working on another, more comprehensive report that will focus much more on the issues that were raised throughout the day. That report will go much deeper into the specifics of what you all thought and will include an LCVS response, as well as some action points.

We don’t want to rush that. It will follow soon.

In case we haven’t said this enough already, thanks to everyone who joined us for Riding the Waves 2019.

Colin Heaney, co-CEO, LCVS

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