The Royal Osteoporosis Society has launched a new programme of events that will take place in Liverpool, throughout spring and summer 2020. All of the events listed below are open to anyone interested in learning about osteoporosis and anyone diagnosed with the condition.
The events are organised by the Liverpool Osteoporosis Support Group.
Thursday 12 March
Annual Medical Update on Osteoporosis
Dr M.A. Siddiqi, consultant physician
2pm, The Wolfson Theatre, Aintree University Hospital, Lower Lane, Liverpool, L9 7AL
Monday 18 May
From the womb to the tomb
how everyday movements shape our skeleton throughout life
Dr Alex Ireland, Manchester Metropolitan University
2pm, Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Education Building, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8XP
Monday 29 June
Fashion, Flair and Fractures: how to deal with body shape changes
Suzanne Hewitt former model and ROS ambassador
2pm, Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Education Building, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8XP
Monday 21 September
Update on bone health services across Merseyside
Speaker to be confirmed
2pm, Lecture Theatre, Education Centre, Education Building, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Prescot Street, Liverpool, L7 8XP
For further information please contact:
Fiona Cooper
Development Manager
The Royal Osteoporosis Society
Tel: 0771 252 4880 E-mail:
Topics/speakers may change due to circumstances beyond our control.
In times of adverse weather conditions, please make contact with the ROS to confirm that the meeting is going ahead
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