
Savera UK – Training and Development Manager

Posts available: 1.
Contract: 4 Years Fixed Term Contract.
Term: Full time.
Salary: £34,500 per annum.
Hours per week: 37.5 hours.
Reporting to: Organisation CEO.
Location: Central Liverpool.

Employer Bio

Savera UK is a leading national charity (no.1145564) working to end ‘honour’-based abuse (HBA), harmful practices and other culturally specific abuse, including forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). They safeguard, advocate and intervention to anyone at risk of HBA and harmful practices, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender or sexuality and offer a completely confidential and non-judgemental service. They campaign, educate and raise awareness to eradicate all form of harmful practices.

Job Summary

This new post represents an exciting opportunity for Savera UK to invest in its training and education development and initiatives programmes.

Building on their existing training package, you will be responsible for leading and managing the development and delivery of their new National Lottery funded “Training and Education Project”, creating a more advanced and in-depth training programme packages for different professionals, education and other relevant areas.  Their aim is for the new programme to be designed so that it can be delivered through a range of different formats (online, in person, hybrid) with the potential of being tailored to respond to the needs of different agencies and their own CPD programmes.

To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.

Deadline: Tuesday 2 January 2024.

Interviews: Tuesday 12 January 2024.

Contact Details: jessica@saverauk.co.uk.

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