Posts available: 1.
Contract: Fixed Term.
Term: Full Time.
Salary: £42000.
Hours per week: 35 hours.
Reporting to: Deputy CEO.
Location: Hybrid / Sefton.
Employer Bio
Sefton Council for Voluntary Service (CVS) is an independent registered charity with a borough-wide brief to assist and support voluntary community and faith sector (VCF) activity across Sefton, Merseyside.
Job Summary
To lead the development and delivery of the Living Well Sefton service (LWS), its engagement with local communities and to be responsible for business and performance management.
Main Duties and Responsibilities:
- Provide strategic leadership and co-ordination to the programme partnership; primarily focused on service delivery, service redesign, cultural shift and sustainability.
- Manage the LWS core team supporting the partnership and CVS.
- Lead the development of IT and case management system(s); which will ensure there is asingle and integrated referral pathway within the LWS, so residents experience a seamless and appropriate movement between services.
- Lead the co-ordination and facilitation of the LWS partnership, including the Community Connector programme, arranging and servicing meetings as required.
- Oversee Sefton’s Social Prescribing programme and manage any subcontracting arrangements as required, for example Long Covid and Respiratory roles. Liaise with key stakeholders within the Primary Care Networks and relevant partners, ensuring performance is met and contracts are adhered to.
- Assess and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and services based on establishing a robust management information system with the commissioner and the providers.
- Ensure service specifications and performance management arrangements with all providers are on target, are meeting agreed outcomes and that they are services offering value for money and efficiency in delivery.
- Monitor and review partners delivery against agreed Key Performance Indicators. Assess and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions and services in delivering behaviour change and achieving participants stated health goals. Recommend any necessary programme changes based on outcomes and performance.
- Work with providers to ensure allocated resources are aligned and used effectively; contracts are successfully negotiated and implemented in line with identified needs.
- Ensure that LWS becomes integral to multi-agency and partnership work addressing health inequalities in Sefton.
- Lead the Strand By Me community hub, currently based in Bootle Strand, ensuring the smooth running of a health and wellbeing outreach base open to the public.
- To co-ordinate innovative approaches to support positive behaviour change across health inequalities in both clinical and community settings.
- To lead the marketing and communications work of the Living Well Sefton service and working with partners, including LA Corporate Communications and NHS, producing communications, marketing and engagement strategies for the initiative.
- Produce specialist reports, data sets and evaluations, presentations for commissioners, CVS and external providers as required.
- Plan and co-ordinate workforce development and training needs including Making Every Contact Count (MECC), Think Differently Cope Differently etc.
- Maintain oversight of the LWS Grants Funding pots, setting regular funding rounds that meet the needs of communities and align with Sefton’s priorities.
- When necessary commission specialist support including IT, training, research and evaluation.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 11.59 PM on 2 June 2024.
Interviews: Week Commencing 10/06/24.
Contact Details: recruitment@seftoncvs.org.uk.
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