
Share your views on language services in the local NHS

NHS Liverpool CCG is looking at improving language services in the local NHS for those who need interpreters, translations, or information in alternative formats.

Currently, NHS Liverpool CCG commissions language services for GPs in Liverpool, Sefton CCGs commission them for Sefton GPs, and each of the local NHS Trusts commission their own services too. However this can lead to variations in the quality and consistency of the services being provided.

The NHS is now looking at introducing a more consistent approach to contracting arrangements across the whole local healthcare system. This will cover local NHS hospitals, GPs, out of hours GPs, community healthcare, and mental health services.

They would like to understand what is important to people who use language services, to make sure they get the arrangements right and improve standards. In order to do this, they want to gather a wide range of views from NHS colleagues, service users, VCSE organisations, and language interpreters/translators.

If you would like to share your views and experiences on this topic, please complete the Survey for Voluntary Community Faith & Social Enterprise Organisations (VCFSEs) in Liverpool and Sefton.

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