
Showcase your volunteer opportunities with the BBC

During May 2021, the BBC’s Happy Heads mental health campaign will be focusing on the mental health benefits of volunteering. For the duration of the campaign they will showcase two volunteering opportunities a day on BBC Radio Merseyside.

Producers from Radio Merseyside are inviting charitable organisations who will have live volunteer opportunities during May to contact them for possible inclusion.

If selected, the work of your organisation will be discussed on air and listeners will be told how they can support you by volunteering. For this reason, only organisations that are actively seeking volunteers at the time of the campaign will be considered.

Due to the broader themes of the Happy Heads campaign, opportunities that benefit children and young people may be favoured. However, all Liverpool voluntary sector organisations may apply.

If you would like your work and opportunities showcased on air, contact Joanne Krasner at BBC Radio Merseyside on joannekrasner@gmail.com, by 7th May.

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