
Tender opportunity for social prescribing link workers

Local Primary Care Network (PCN) iGPC is looking to commission the services of social prescribing link workers as part of network development.

PCNs help to integrate primary care with secondary and community services and bridge the gap between general practice and emerging Integrated Care Systems. iGPC is a PCN of six practices in Liverpool, with a patient population of 42.000, working in partnership with local services and NHS organisations to develop and improve services for patients.

There are an increasing number of people presenting to their GP with non-medical needs. This is leaving patients and GPs feeling frustrated. There are a wealth of community assets sitting across Liverpool, however patients are not connecting with them as well as they could.

To support this, NHS England has made funds available to Primary Care Networks for provision of social prescribing through link workers.

Social prescribing is a way for general practice to refer patients to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on what matters to them, and take an holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

Link workers support existing groups to be accessible and sustainable and help people to start new community groups, working collaboratively with all local partners. Social prescribing can help to strengthen community resilience and personal resilience, and reduces health inequalities by addressing the wider determinants of health, such as debt, poor housing and physical inactivity, by increasing people’s active involvement with their local communities. It particularly works for people with long-term conditions (including support for mental health), for people who are lonely or isolated, or have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.

Download the invitation to tender documents from the iGPC website.

Deadline for submission is noon 27 November 2020.

Queries regarding this opportunity will be answered up to 13 November via igpc@livgp.nhs.uk

All queries and responses will be published on the iGPC website.

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