Posts available: 1.
Contract: 12 Month Fixed Term (extension subject to funding).
Term: Part Time.
Salary: £15,574.80 (actual).
Hours per week: 22.5 hours.
Reporting to: Income Maximisation Team Coordinator.
Location: St Andrew’s Community Network, 16 Larkhill Lane, Clubmoor, Liverpool L13 9BR.
Employer Bio
St Andrew’s Community Network has been working across North Liverpool and surrounding areas for over 20 years, supporting communities by working with local organisations and providing practical services that meet local need. It is their ultimate aim to see people in the areas they work set free from the life-affecting consequences of poverty, and are continually working towards this through their three main aims – building financial resilience through debt and income maximisation advice, building food security through our foodbanks and community food pantries, and building sustainable communities – driving long lasting change. They are a vibrant and passionate team, committed to their mission and driven to make a difference across our communities.
Job Summary
Are you passionate about helping others? Do you want to join a dynamic team driving change in our communities? This could be the opportunity for you!
As a key member of the team, you will work to provide expert advice and support to those experiencing welfare, benefit and money worries in the community. This will be achieved through direct one-to-one support in a variety of community settings.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: Thursday 12 September 2024.
Contact Details: 0151 226 3406.
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