
Strawberry Lemonade Events is looking for a space in Liverpool

Strawberry Lemonade Events, a corporate event management firm as well as a social enterprise is looking for a space in the Liverpool area. It can be anywhere in Liverpool preferably close to the city centre. They are looking for a small meeting room to hold training classes for a social enterprise project.

Frequency of use: 2-3 hours weekly for 6-10 weeks. Also 2 x 2-day blocks.

Number of desks needed (if any): 4-6.

Number of meeting rooms needed: 1.

Capacity of meeting space: 4-8 people.

Time of day needed: Daytime.

Other facilities needed: Parking & wifi.

Able to pay: Small budget so preferably free.

Contact name: Lorraine Thomas.

Contact email: Lorraine@strawberrylemonadeevents.com.

Contact telephone: 07546287894.

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