The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has made available a £10 million grant fund to support suicide prevention activities delivered in England by VCSE organisations in 2023 to 2025.
Who can apply?
This grant fund is open to non-profit organisations providing suicide prevention services, activities or interventions. The activities being funded by the grant should be non-economic, meaning that they are delivered to service users free of charge.
Micro-organisations and small to large voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations, groups, and community interest companies can apply.
Joint consortium bids are also accepted, whereby a lead organisation partners with other smaller organisations.
What kinds of activities does the grant cover?
Applicants must meet the strategic objectives of the fund, which are:
- to support non-profit organisations to configure their suicide prevention services and activities to meet the increased demand seen in recent years.
- to support a range of diverse and innovative activity that can prevent suicides, both at a national and community level.
This funding is to support activities in England only. Organisations that deliver activities in other nations in the United Kingdom can only apply for an award to cover costs for eligible activities in England.
How much can be applied for?
Funding requests are capped at £750,000. Costs must be related to the eligible period of December 2023 (earliest) to March 2025. Please note that this is a revenue grant and not a capital grant fund.
To learn more and to apply, please click here.