LCVS tenant organisation Talk Liverpool has issued the following statement, reassuring the public that it is still open and here to help and support those experiencing mental health problems during the pandemic:
‘During these unprecedented times, we wanted to make you all aware that Talk Liverpool remains open, and we are still taking new referrals into the service.
Talk Liverpool is still here to support those experiencing common mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety disorders. However given the current guidance on social distancing and Covid-19, to keep both our patients and staff safe we have cancelled all our courses and face to face appointments for the foreseeable future. Instead we are offering assessment and treatment via telephone, as well as using digital therapy platforms including computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (SilverCloud), as well as virtual face to face input via video calls, using laptops / tablets / smart phones.
We have step by step guidance on the home page of our website for those patients who may be apprehensive when using virtual face to face therapy. They can watch videos and even set up a test call which will hopefully allay any fears they may have. Alternatively they can also speak to the therapist or a member of our business support team on 0151 228 2300 who would be happy to help and give guidance.
Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust has also introduced a support line for those aged 16+ who feel anxious or low as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or have been impacted as a result of the many recent changes to daily life. The support line operates between 8.00am and 8.00pm 7 days a week. Whilst this is not a telephone therapy line, it provides a listening ear service; allowing people the chance to talk about how they are feeling, and leading to them being given advice, self-help materials, and / or sign posting information as needed.
Members of the public are able to make contact with the response line by calling 0151 473 0303 and asking for the psychological support line.’
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