
The Black-E – Grants & Fundraising Officer

Term: Full Time.
Hours: 35 hours per week (including some evenings and weekends). There is no overtime but TOIL can be taken. This post is also available on a 4 day a week basis salary pro-rata.
Salary: – £17,500 per annum.
Location: Liverpool.
Holidays: 4 weeks a year plus bank holidays. When bank holidays are actually taken depends on what activities are taking place. Holidays are pro-rata for anyone working less than a 35 hour week.
Responsible to: Team Managers.

The Black-E is a Liverpool-based multicultural, artist-led, community and arts project. Their Board of Trustees is currently seeking to appoint a competent and experienced Grants & Fundraising Officer to be the organisation’s key liaison person with its major funders & stakeholders. They will also work with colleagues to fundraise for the Black-E’s cultural activities which include raising money for work with young people and equipment. Whilst working with the Board of Trustees and the Finance Manager, the Grants & Fundraising Officer will play an essential role in helping the Black-E achieve its ambition to develop and grow as a premier arts venue and cultural programmer.

The successful candidate is required to possess the following skills, experience and attributes:

Funding and Fundraising:

  • A minimum of 3 years experience working with grant-giving bodies and providing examples of successful engagements including amounts raised from whom and when.
  • A minimum of 3 years experience of networking and relationship management with national, regional and local funding bodies.
  • Direct involvement with income generation and business development plus providing examples of successful projects/services.
  • Producing fundraising and income generation plans.

Management and Reporting:

  • Experience in reporting to grant-giving bodies and providing examples of reporting methods including grant/project management systems.
  • Experience in gathering and collating data for monitoring and reporting.
  • Experience in reporting directly to boards of management.
  • Experience in creating databases and other forms of information management development.
  • Experience in identifying opportunities to develop new funding sources.
  • Experience in representing organisations at seminars and conferences.


  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
  • Excellent IT skills including use of Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and Word (or equivalent) and online data input.

For more information, please contact the Black-E for a copy of the full job description, person specification and further instructions on how to apply for the role.

Contact details:

  • Email: staff@theblack-e.co.uk
  • Telephone: 0151 709 5109 (Ask for the Duty Office)
  • Drop-In: 10 am – 6 pm (Monday to Friday)
  • Post: The Duty Officer, The Black-E, Great George Street, Liverpool, L1 5EW

The closing date for applications is 23 August 2021, no later than 5 pm.

The interview for this post will commence after 5 September 2021, which you will be notified about.


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