Posts available: 1.
Contract: Permanent.
Term: Part Time.
Salary: £26,780 per annum pro rata.
Hours per week: 24.5 hours.
Days per week: Flexible working will be considered.
Reporting to: Associate Director of Programme Delivery.
Location: The Reader, Mansion House, Calderstones Park, Liverpool L18 3JB.
Employer Bio
The Reader is a national charity that wants to bring about a Reading Revolution so that everyone can experience and enjoy great literature, which they believe is a tool for helping humans survive and live well. By reading with school groups, families, adults, looked after children, older people in care homes, adults with physical and / or mental health conditions, people coping with or recovering from addiction and individuals in the criminal justice system, their work is helping to improve wellbeing, reduce isolation and build stronger communities.
Job Overview
The CYP Lead is responsible for successfully delivering and closely monitoring the outcomes of their CYP focussed community projects. At present, this includes their Early Years focussed First Page Project, their Woodchurch High Reader in Residence Programme and their commissioned work with Alder Hey Hospital, but the nature and breadth of these projects is ever changing, so the landscape of this work may change.
You will have held a similar role, or roles which have equipped you with skills and experience that will enable you to build lasting relationships with a broad spectrum of people. They are looking for an experienced, creative person who:
- shares their ethos and values
- Completely believes in shared reading and the work of The Reader.
To read the full job description and to apply, please click here.
Deadline: 12 PM on Sunday 21 April 2024.
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